Your Health in Your Hand

Miracles of Mudras

People fold their fingers in various Mudras (Gestures). It is little known, however, that Mudra Science is Tatva Yoga-Yoga based on science of elements. And, believes Acharya Keshav Dev, these mudras can help cure many diseases.


Acharya Keshav Devji

After a lapse of many many years, one of those marvellous personalities on whom one can lay his eyes is Yoga Vibhuti Acharya Keshav Devji. He is among one of those renowned great men, who has through his meditation and learning achieved the impossible. Such an enlightened and illustrious spell-performing sage, endowed with heavenly powers and an accomplished sainthood is very seldom seen. Going to him for a glimpse of his heavenly countenance, one can enjoy his company, like to listen his discourses; and it is sure to stir up the emotions of the mind and gladden the heart. So many times it has been observed that his speech generates such an energy that the listeners turn to absolute Truth. To be able to grab his limitless knowledge is not only difficult but also inaccessible. Whenever, and as many times a devotee comes in contact with him, the devotee experiences new and extra-ordinary perceptions. His knowledge and deep understanding can make one familiar with our fathomless ancient Indian traditions and erudition. He is the savant of Indian Yoga, Music, Mudra Vigyan, Pran Vigyan, Paradhyan Sadhana, Telepathy, Tratak, Kundalini, Astrology and its various branches, Ulka Dhumraketu, Angvidya, Bugarbh Vigyan (Geology), Astrological Predictions, Mantra Vidya, Yagya Vidya, Ayurveda, Ratnachikitsa, Pran Vinimaya, Theosophy, Nature Cure, Divya Chikitsa, Brahma Vidya, Shabd Vigyan and many other allied sciences.

Your Health in Your Hand

Miracles of Mudras


In the case of severe heart attack, this life giving divice Mudra provides instant relief within a few seconds.Helping hand for Cardiacs.


Provide relief in urinary problems Facilitates discharge of waste
material from the body. Cleanses & purifies the body.


Its practice ensures Mental Peace, Concentration of the mind and Sharp Memory, Spiritual enhansment develops creativity

People fold their fingers in various Mudras (Gestures). It is little known, however, that Mudra Science is Tatva Yoga-Yoga based on science of elements. And, believes Acharya Keshav Dev, these mudras can help cure many diseases.

Your Health in Your Hand

Healing Through Yagya

Ancient seers and sages evolved Mantra therapy for the benefit of general public and developed this Science for treatment of diseases and promotion of health among the people in the world. Yagyopathy is based on basic scientific principles. It is also based on principles of atomic theory.



The entire astrology is based on scientific principles. It is possible to know accurately manners, nature, habits, ideas and future – goods or bad of any person. We use twenty – five types of astrological systems on modern scientific basis to ensure accuracy of our predictions. Our predictions are based on studies of horoscopes on the basis of German, Arabic, Western, Indian system of Astrology, Ramal palmistry, numerology, face-reading, body-reading Shakun, Ulka, Anga Sfaran nerve pulsating birdology, dogology, astronomy, effects of solar system. All these and several other system are studied on a scientific basis before finalising our results in a horoscope. Views of various authorities in astrology in other countries are also taken into consideration.Astrology is about the interaction between the Planets (including the Sun and Moon) and the Signs. The relationships between them and their interactions are mathematically based, and Astrology studies these mathematical cycles. Each Sign represents a different aspect of the whole human; Aries starts the cycle, representing the Self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind. In between, each other Sign carries the energy of a different phase of man’s evolution within the universe.

Acharya Vani

Your Health in Your Hand


His Divine grace Achraya Shree Keshav Dev Ji Maharaj who himself is a thaumaturge. As he under went personally, extra ordinary mystical experiences, with in his meditation period for almost more then sixty years. He has practically proved the unavoidable importance of the Kundalni Mahashakti for the present and coming generations. Achraya shree, has done, unique brilliance dazzling discovery on Kundalni-the most invincible force of the Cosmos. In this one, he has traced the extra ordinary methods, ways for the awakening of this Serpentine force, which proves the best friend and reverse case the worst enemy, of the meditators.

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+91 8130701155-66

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Vivekanand Hospital, Patparganj Rd, near Laxmi Nagar, Khureji Khas, Delhi, 110051