Your Health in Your Hand


His Divine grace Achraya Shree Keshav Dev Ji Maharaj who himself is a thaumaturge. As he under went personally, extra ordinary mystical experiences, with in his meditation period for almost more then sixty years. He has practically proved the unavoidable importance of the Kundalni Mahashakti for the present and coming generations. Achraya shree, has done, unique brilliance dazzling discovery on Kundalni-the most invincible force of the Cosmos. In this one, he has traced the extra ordinary methods, ways for the awakening of this Serpentine force, which proves the best friend and reverse case the worst enemy, of the meditators.

Your Health in Your Hand


The result is many innocent people and Sadhak devotees are misled and have lost their energy, time, money and self confidence to touch, any other subtle forceful factor, in the field of spirituality for the rest of life time.

Most of the (Sadhak) meditator actually do not know, the system and methods to awake the Kundalni Cosmic Power. So much on, that they are not aware of its original seat, where it is, seated, in what form, and in what position in, side the body.

These Sadhaks meditators are very simply told the normal ways some simple points, which of course do not work, on this invincible Super Force.

In fact, the most important methods of Yogic process are not taught to these Sadhaks, devotees. The right concentration and adoration, along with (mudras) the postures, too are not told and instructed to these new devotees.

Further more the (Beej Mantra) the originating incantations their right form, for all pronunciation, is totally ignored. As in different scriptures and books, nothing in simple way or simple words or ordinary methods are written at all.

But these so called present Master (Guru) claiming to be all authority on the subject, preach to their innocent, ignorant sensitive followers, wrong theories and not practical things, which leaves these meditators of no where.

In all the literature related to this universal most powerful force, it is explained and guided very clearly that this force is awfully difficult to receive without toiling, hard adoring contemplating too very hard and laboriously on the rightful and right system on the subject.

At most of places publicity is given with much fan fare, on the modern ways, from sophisticated offices, where high amounts are detracted from meditators, to teach them this subject, to all men, women, children, irrespective of their position, capacity and power to receive this force full knowledge.

Whether they are rightful persons or not to receive, this point is totally ignored, because of commercialisation of the subject. So these bazari gurus, Costentation Masters are very common to be seen, here and there but, alas! They do nothing except robbing the masses of their money, power, and pelf, and then leaving them in lurch. Their methods are described very secret, giving sermons at different level, but looking minutely to their all output every thing comes out in negative form. Ordinary the position of Kundalni, sorry they are all; but missed lot. These so called Gurus talk very high in mysterious way, which no one can understand, their many followers came to us, time to time, gave us their description of getting power of Kundalni Shakti. But actually there we don’t find, or see any sign, or glow on description. We don’t find or change in their speech, on their face or any gesture of their body, which can tell and prove their own version. All we find fake and egoist expression, on their face. No sign is visible of (Kundalni Jagran) Awakened position.

Today there is flood of such hypocrite gurus. They read very ordinary simple books and start preaching. They try to compete, each other in this profession. Yes they had made it a profession and fully commercialized it. By their witty expression these gurus, are selling this, knowledge at home and abroad alike, on the base of publicity, common man is at a loss to know these all.

We have cautioned one and all alike, not to run after these ostentatious hypocrite. If they have really liking to this subject; let them come to us, with open mind, and see what we give them in return.